Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are we crazy?

Here's a bun in the oven:

Here's our bun in the oven:

We're about 11 weeks along. Are we crazy? This one's been rough so far...ER trip and modified bed rest for 7 days a few weeks ago. Now I'm dealing with a really bad sinus infection and of course, I don't want to take anything for it...so I'm waiting it out. We're just hoping and praying for smooth sailing the rest of the way until August. OMG, that seems so far from now!


Mary Kathryn said...

Well, I say yes, it is a little unnerving that you and Kevin will now officially be outnumbered. Excited for you guys, though. BTW, my word verification is "Domscon" this time. How about that for a name, girl OR boy? I insist.

Lydee said...

hope you feel better soon. cool ultrasound pic.

Heidi Ho said...

Very clever, bun and bun!!! I hope you are feeling good soon! It feels hopeless in the moment.