Saturday, January 17, 2009


Last night when I was putting Danny to bed, we started saying his prayers as usual and he goes, "Oh Lord, won't ya buy me a Mercedes Benz?"

Today he was trying to figure out the difference between the two words: occupy and octopi. "Mama, more than one octoPUS is an octoPI. But it also means something else". I had to explain that occupy and octopi are actually two different words.

At dinner tonight, when faced with his meal, he said, "I don't like your decision".

The other day, he said, "My sinues are going to explode".

I love it!


Mary Kathryn said...

HA HA HA! I can totally relate to the poor kiddo on the exploding sinuses point. And you and Kevin had better get right on that Mercedes purchase...

I can't wait 'til Andrew says something I can actually understand. [sigh] For now, I will live vicariously through Danny's hilarious statements.

Arlene Bennett said...

They only get better and better!!

Lydee said...

wow! big man, little body! what a smart boy!

Rebecca said...

They say the funniest things! Even Jordan will still crack us up with something he says every once in awhile!