Monday, June 23, 2008

Why do I do this to myself?

I have been trying so hard to lose weight.
Why did I eat seven pieces of chocolate today?
And also a s'more?
And a handful of M&Ms?

I need help.
Anyone have the phone number for Chocolate Eaters Annonymous?

" name is Jennifer and I am a chocoholic."


Mary Kathryn said...

Sometimes you just gotta be bad. Love the new template, BTW.

Lydee said...

yes, I just bought two more bags of Doritos after I banned them from my house.

Heidi Ho said...

Ok....chocolate is good for you. There, I said it! Someone has to justify our obvious hormonal flux eating.

Seriously, remember this. It was only ONE day of falling off the wagon. Just don't do it tomorrow. That's all. One bad day is not that bad. You eat 21 meals in a week and you have only had the extra choolate for 3. That's pretty good statistically. ( I saw this on a weight loss show yesterday)Remember also, a little chocolate is ok. Eat some nuts with it and the "Zone" diet would allow it! You just need to eat protein with it so your body metabolizes it. OK..who made me diet queen today???? haahahha

Arlene Bennett said...

Chocolate is cure for many an ailment. Don't beat yourself up about it!