Things went haywire around here today. It has been one of the more disgusting days of my life. Stop reading now if you're eating something. I'll try to tone it down a bit.
First, Ben had some kind of strange tummy ache that resulted in 20 minutes of extreme discomfort followed by a really awful diaper and then happiness and normalcy for the rest of the day.
Then, the house attacked us...
Well, really just the kitchen sink. I was cleaning things out of the refrigerator that really should have been taken to a hazardous waste dump, but instead, I just dumped them down the garbage disposal. As I was contentedly grinding up some petrified barbecued ribs and some beans that were once green but upon discovery in the back of the fridge had turned a putrid shade of gray, I noticed water leaking out from under the cabinet door. I whipped open the door and...water everywhere along with shredded up ribs and beans.
This was one of the more disgusting things I have ever seen in my life. A clog had formed and caused the disposal to pull itself out of one of the pipes, spraying shredded pork and pulverized gray beans everywhere. What to do?
I put Ben in the play yard, that sadly, is blocking him from pulling all of our DVDs out of their shelf. Yeah, you guessed it...from his position in the play yard, he could reach all the DVDs and...they are now everywhere. I took everything out from under the sink and put it in the bath tub to be cleaned later (Wal-Mart bags--just threw them away, dishwasher detergent, garbage bags, flyswatter, dustpan, oven cleaner, SOS pads). Then, I set to work cleaning the actual cabinet. It is spotless now, but wow...I had to go through an entire container of Mr. Clean wipes. Love those BTW much more than Clorox wipes. Pulled out the swiffer and mopped the floor.
What a mess. Kevin came home and fixed the clog and the pipes and everything else under there that I don't want to touch ever again. In doing so, he needed to pour some filthy water out of the pipes he was clearing out. We argued for a few minutes about where he should pour the water...not in one of my good bowls, not into a towel (my suggestion because I was just going to throw those towels away, anyhow, but he was against that for some reason)...finally he decided to pour them into the trash bag which I was totally against because I feared a leak later.
Cue the garbage bag springing a leak all over my newly-mopped floor and me ruining another towel.
I ripped the DVD shelf off the wall because I was so disgusted with it after Ben pulled all the movies out. I mean, I was having to block it off with a play yard so he couldn't get to it. Enough.
Back to normal now.