Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Danny's first tee-ball game of the year

Danny's playing tee-ball again this year. Last year he played for Lytle's Little Hammers. This year, he's on the Pepsi team. Here he is batting:

Running home from 3rd base (Daddy standing by to direct):

Time for the Pepsi team to take the field...Danny played 3rd base:

He's in that clump of kids somewhere (click on the picture to see him better)...when someone hits the ball, the entire team runs to try to grab it first:

Running back to Daddy for a high five after throwing a ground ball to 1st base:


Anonymous said...

This is so cute! That one picture reminds me of "blob soccer" we used to play: ALL kids run around trying to get the ball in a big blob. Except for one or two playing pattycake and that one kid picking dandylions!

Mary Kathryn said...

Great photos. I still can't believe how lanky he is... he looks like a little league player to me. Adorable.