Friday, October 31, 2008


Danny, the astronaut and Ben, the alien getting ready to go trick-or-treating.

Apparently, they were already tired:

Daddy and Ben:

The scene in front of our house:

Cool Halloween arch (Danny and Luke are getting candy; Denise, Will, Kevin, Ben and I were a little slower):

The boys posing for a group picture:

Seriously scary horses and riders from the horse farm right behind our development:

Kids were absolutely crying when they saw these guys (our boys didn't really seem scared, though):

Our good friend and neighbor, Gordon always gives us lots of Yum-yums (M&Ms), especially at Halloween:
The last house we went to (Moments earlier, Ben sat down in this driveway--he'd had enough):

Let's see what we got (this is only half of what they got...the other half had already been taken inside):

Danny got some scary teeth:

Ben anticipating the flash:

We carved pumpkins too.
Here's a cat on a fence:

Bats in the belfry:

Winking face:

What a fun, fun Halloween! We all loved it!


Heidi Ho said...

Very cute!!

I really liked the alien costume. How original, and Danny...he already looks like a grown up! He's going to be president one day, I'm convinced!

Did you see Bella Akers? fluffy pumpkin was too cute

Mary Kathryn said...

Yes, great job on the alien. Looks like a nice neighborhood turnout, too. And I, too, am scard by those riders. Yeesh. Great pictures! I love the first two - they're up, they're down.

Grandma Diana said...

Great outfits and pics, Jennifer! The boys are so cute!u Love the Jack-o-lanterns too! How creative! And fun was had by all!

Arlene Bennett said...

Those horse riders were really creepy. The boys were very cute and you have such a family oriented neighborhood. That's really nice.

I had about 20 trick-or-treaters last night. One bunch rode down the road on a tractor pulling a hay wagon.

No pictures of my baby to post---but I can come up with some scary ugly ones of me!