Monday, July 28, 2008

How can you tell it's summer?

Here's how (at our house)...

Deck chair (sunscreen at the ready, swimming trunks hung to dry):

The scene on my towel cupboard in the bathroom (I have no idea why a baggie of Cheerios and crackers is there...probably the same reason there is currently a pair of shoes in the middle of my dining table):

A sure sign of summer, poor Danny's knees...


João Esteves said...

From Brazil, my appreciation. You certainly have lovely kids. And you teach music, I gather. I'm an amateur musician myself. I have a lovely American book for music teachers based on Orff and Kodaly's ideas. It does work for self-teaching. I intend to turn to your blogs again, after more of you, your ideas and your apparently simple life.

Mary Kathryn said...

OW - those knees did take a licking. Love the towel cupboard!!!!!!!

Arlene Bennett said...

The only sign of summer at my house is the extremely long grass in the yard since the back wheel of the lawn mower broke and is on order. Aaron loves the broken mower because it has prolonged the torture of mowing again.

BTW (and I hope I'm not out of line) How cool is it that someone from Brazil has been to your blog?! And another one of us musicians at that!