Friday, December 19, 2008


I. can't. stop. eating. puppy. chow.

You know what I mean, right? The cereal snack stuff with the chocolate and peanut butter, or whatever...I don't's just delicious.

Not Clark's food.

That's Ben's problem...every time Clark's food is down on the floor, Ben can't resist nibbling it. How can it taste good? Clark doesn't even want it and he licks his own rear end, for crying out loud. He has tried to eat dirty diapers before. He prefers garbage to his own food, yet Ben wants kibble.

Now, don't get me wrong...Ben would eat M&Ms 24-7 if he was allowed. I'm just saying...he likes dog food.

Ben is the most un-picky eater I have ever seen. Danny survives on a diet of peanut butter, fruit and white milk. Ben eats everything. We had a Christmas dinner for the teachers and staff the other night and he ate cucumbers, olives, tomatoes, lettuce...stuff Danny never ate. Ben is like my dad. My dad will eat ANYTHING! Enthusiastically. My dad works up a sweat eating...he loves food.

And we love him!

We are so blessed to have the parents/grandparents that we do. We are supported, befriended and loved.

The best Christmas gifts!

Now, back to that puppy chow!

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